
Community Living Connections provides adults with disabilities and their families with easy access to information, individual consultation, and service options.

Our advocates can determine if you are eligible for programs, services, and public benefits to help you or your loved one live with dignity and enjoy the best quality of life possible.

Services include in-person consultation to help you make an informed choice based on your individual needs, goals and preferences; short-term assistance arranging and coordinating services; access to caregiver support for individuals caring for an adult with a disability; and information about community resources such as:

  • Options for long-term services and supports
  • State and federal benefits, including Medicaid
  • Respite care
  • Care coordination
  • Minor home repair
  • Volunteer transportation
  • And many more

For quick resource information, contact the main Community Living Connections line:

Our network of community partners includes organizations with specialized knowledge of disabilities and experience serving people with with disabilities and their families across the lifespan.

For direct links to our community partners, visit our interactive map of agencies and locations.